Ah, snacks! For kids, they’re so more than just a treat, they’re a necessity. But to get the most out of them, they must be well made and well managed. Follow our tips for snacks that are sure to delight little foodies and satisfy their health-conscious parents.
Snacktime basics
Eat at the right time Children burn a lot of energy throughout the day, so their little tummies shouldn’t go more than three hours without something to eat. Having a healthy snack two hours before mealtime is ideal. Time out to eat Snacktime should take place in a calm setting, seated at the table, so kids can take in the experience of eating. It’s also a good time to settle those who tend to be on the rowdy side. Remember to drink Hydration is not to be overlooked! Serve snacks with water, milk or plant-based beverages (for children over 2), especially if your little ones are sick or very active. Use the winning formula It’s all about the math: carbohydrates + protein = success! Carbs provide kids with a quick source of energy, while protein keeps them going until the next meal.Winning combinations
The perfect snack doesn’t need to be complicated. Skip ultra-processed products and serve these perfect carb/protein combinations:- Fruit and nuts
- Hummus and raw veggies
- Canned tuna and tortilla
- Cheese and crackers
- Tofu spread and pita
- Bread and peanut butter